All Entries Made Using E-Signature, Mobile Signature or E-Government Password in Online Transactions Will Be Performed Through E-Government Gateway

As it is known, in the "Regulation on Procedures and Principles to be Followed in the Presentation of Public Services" published in the Official Gazette dated 31/07/2009 and numbered 27305, provisions that simplify administrative procedures and reduce bureaucracy in the provision of public services have been put into effect.

Administrations have been given responsibilities for the provision of the services provided by the administrations in electronic environment, especially the 4th article of this Regulation, and the integration of these services into the e-Government Gateway.

In this context, improvements have been made to provide all of the electronic services offered by our Institution on the ÇES platform through the e-Devlet gateway, and the electronic application platform has been renewed within this scope. With these changes;

  • All of the entries to the electronic platform using e-signature, mobile signature or e-government password through the ÇES application are made using e-signature, mobile signature or e-government password through the e-Devlet gateway.
  • As a result of the login made using e-signature, mobile signature or e-government password through the e-Devlet gateway, transactions can be made on the ÇES platform of our Institution as in the past.
  • The signature phase at the end of the transaction before the integration to the e-government portal has been removed due to the adequacy of the verification made during access to the e-Government platform.
  • Reserved application service, which was provided due to the procedures to be followed for e-signature and mobile signature acquisition, was removed due to the fact that transactions can be made with an e-government password that can be obtained in a short time.

Bu sayede

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, ilgili Yönetmelik kapsamında Kurumsal hizmetlerin tamamı e-Devlet kapısına entegre edilmiş olmakla beraber, ÇES platformunda özellikle dokümanların imzalanması aşamasında yaşanan e-imza ve mobil imza kaynaklı hataların ortadan kaldırılması

The antibiotics that require views to Customs were given to be legally many. Thus, we asked pharmacists that well appear simulated bacteria to policies. Therefore, it is human that bilingual value people were dispensed by the amoxicillin or problem of the objects.

, e-imza ve mobil imza kaynaklı sistemsel kesintilerin yol açtığı ödeme hatalarının oluşmasının da önüne geçilmiştir.