Brand Services

Brandis a word, name, shape, label, sound or three-dimensional object that defines the goods and services of a person or business and enables them to distinguish them from the goods and services of others.

BrandsThey ensure the consistency of the quality of the goods and services in question and help promote these goods and services.

Today, the "brand", which has a meaning beyond being a name that only qualifies goods or services, is of great importance for businesses.

So much so that sometimes the brand values of companies can override the tangible assets they have.
The "trademark", which is the differentiation tool of an enterprise, can only be legally protected by registration.

Trademark Application

Legal rights arising from trademark registration start from the date of trademark application. With Bizim Ofis expert staff and experienced team, your applications are made online on the same day, and the risks your business may encounter are minimized.

From the application stage to the end of the registration process, your brand's follow-up (publication, objection, acceptance notification) and transaction processes are carried out by our team.

Brand Pre-Research

Before the trademark preliminary research is made, it is ensured that the existing trademark is searched from the BizimOfis trademark database and the risks related to the registration of the application are determined, (the registered trademarks that may cause rejection) are prevented unnecessary costs.

Trademark Tracking and Appeal

Monthly Official Trademark Bulletins are scanned and similar brands that may cause confusion with your registered trademark are determined, our clients are informed and an objection is prepared within the framework of legal processes.

Brand Renewal

In order to maintain the protection of registered trademarks, the trademark must be renewed every 10 years. Legal protection of brands that are not renewed does not continue, the registry record is deleted.

Legal rights arising from trademark registration cannot be claimed against third parties.

BizimOfis, on behalf of your company, follows up the renewal periods, informs the clients and carries out the renewal process within the period.