Overseas Registration Services

Turkey's foreign trade volume with the globalized economy has grown significantly. Parallel to the increase in exports, trademark registration abroad has become a necessity for Turkish companies.

Since a trademark can only be protected in the country where it is registered, businesses engaged in export activities should also register their trademarks abroad in order not to lose their rights.

Otherwise, potential-existing imitations in export countries will not be prevented and material damages may occur.

Overseas Trademark Registration Types

International Trademark Registration (Madrid Protocol System)
1 st December 1995 to the Protocol relating to the Madrid Agreement entered into force as of 1 January 1999, Turkey became a member. This system allows trademark registration in more than one country at the same time with a single application.

In the system, which has 84 member countries, the registration application can be made for all member countries as well as in preferred countries. The Madrid system is preferred, especially in cases where the number of countries is high, as it involves lower costs for businesses and transactions can be carried out through a single channel.

Community Trademark Registration (CTM)

Registration of the Community Mark, valid for all countries of the European Union, entered into force in 1996.
Turkish citizens can also register a Community Brand in accordance with the Paris Convention and can provide protection in all European Union countries with a single application. However, a refusal decision in one country causes a rejection in all Ülker.

OAPI (African Union)

In this system, it provides trademark registration in all (16) OAPI UNION member countries with a single application.

National Trademark Registration.

Individual trademark registration applications are possible for a single country, and applications are made through our colleagues in the relevant country. National trademark registration procedures are carried out according to the national application procedure of each country.

Overseas Patent and Utility Model Registration

Patent / Utility Model Applications provide protection within the borders of the countries where the application is made. If you want your application to be protected abroad, applications can be made to the countries that are required to be protected within 12 months from the date of application.

It is costly to apply to individual countries. By using application systems such as PCT and EPC, applications can be made in more countries with less costs.

According to the countries to be protected by spreading the costs over time, protection can be provided in all or a few of the member countries of the system.

In general, it is recommended to protect your application in countries with high market share, and to use systems such as PCT and EPC as the number of countries increases.

Design Registration Abroad

The visual features of the design provide protection in the countries where the application is made. In countries with a high market share abroad, it is recommended to provide protection by applying.

If the number of countries to apply increases due to the cost of national applications, protection can be provided in the relevant countries at lower costs by applying to systems such as The Hague and OHIM.